Five steps to a perfect bath - Slow Ageing Essentials

Five steps to a perfect bath

Bathing is one of life’s great pleasures, a ritual that’s almost as famous in British culture as a cup of tea. At Slow Ageing Essentials we recommend bathing once or twice a week, for a minimum of 15 minutes. Not only do baths feel blissful, they offer amazing health, beauty and wellbeing benefits. Here’s how to increase the power of these feel-good moments and make the most of your bath.

1. Find your warmth
We all have our own preferences when it comes to water temperature but our advice is to have your bath warm enough to achieve optimum blood and lymph circulation and not so hot that your circulation becomes sluggish. Many experts recommend between 40-45 degrees celsius. As with anything, find a balance that works for you.

2. Prep the skin
Tempting as it is to slip straight into an invitingly warm bath, try body brushing beforehand. Dry exfoliation makes a real difference to the look and feel of your skin,

3. Add essential ingredients
Essential oils are the perfect partners for baths. They come alive in the warmth and their properties become amplified. Try massaging half a capful of our ​Essential Bath & Shower Essence​ into skin before stepping into the bath. The warm water will activate the essential oils anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial properties and work therapeutically through uplifting cypress, rosemary and juniper aromas. This will kick start the process of soothing the nerves and calming the mind.

4. Learn to switch off
Add a further half capful of Essential Bath & Shower Essence into the bath. The healing powers of our essential oils soak into the body to replenish skin whilst restoring the body’s natural vitality. Breathe deeply and try to switch the mind off. If you struggle to be still we recommend following ​Margot’s Guided Meditation​, a simple ritual to help you refocus and encourage better sleep. 

5. Prolong the bliss
Make the most of your clean, warm, receptive skin and massage in body oil as soon as you come out of your bath. Our ​Essential Firming Body Essence is made with hazelnut oil, which has very fine molecules so you can dress right away after applying, plus rebalancing and regenerating essential oils of ho wood and ylang ylang. Added bonus: it intensively softens as well as detoxifying to increase skin tone.


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